Bavistin Fungicide

Original price was: ₹200.00.Current price is: ₹119.00.


About Product

  • Bavistin Fungicide is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide effective against a wide range of pathogenic fungi.
  • Bavistin fungicide technical name – Carbendazim 50% WP
  • Crystal Crop Protection is the most trusted brand in the agrochemical industry.
  • Bavistin has broader disease control in field and horticultural crops.
  • Bavistin works as preventive as well as curative hence giving longer duration of control.
  • Bavistin has quicker action in field and horticulture crops.

Bavistin Fungicide Technical Details

  • Technical Content: Carbendazim 50% WP
  • Mode of Entry: Systemic fungicide
  • Mode of Action: Preventive and Curative action

Key Features & Benefits

  • It is a Broad- spectrum systemic fungicide.
  • It is effective in all stages of crop growth and effective against a wide range of pathogenic fungi as it is having preventive & curative action.
  • Bavistin Fungicide is a systemic fungicide that controls disease at every growing point of the plant.

Bavistin Fungicide Usage & Crops

  • Method of Application: Foliar Spray
  • Recommendations:
Crop Target Disease Dosage / Acre (gm) Dilution in Water (L)/ Acre Dosage /litre of water (gm/ml)
Paddy Blast 100-200 200 litres 1 g/L
Paddy Sheath blight 2 gm/kg seed
Paddy Aerial phase 100-200 200 litres 1 g/L
Wheat Loose smut 2 gm/kg seed
Barley Loose smut 2 gm/kg seed
Tapioca Set rot 1 gm 10 L
Cotton Leaf spot 100 200 litres 0.5 g/L
Jute Seedling blight 2 gm/kg seed
Ground nut Tikka leaf spot 90 200 litres 0.45 g/L
Sugar beet Leaf spot 80 200 litres 0.4 g/L
Sugar beet Powdery mildew 80 200 litres 0.4 g/L
Peas Powdery mildew 100 200 litres 0.5 g / L
Beans Powdery mildew 140 200 litres 0.7 g/L
Cucurbits Powdery mildew 120 200 litres 0.6 g/L
Cucurbits Anthracnose 120 200 litres 0.6 g/L
Brinjal Leaf spot 120 200 litres 0.6 g/L
Brinjal Fruit rot 120 200 litres 0.6 g/L
Apple Scab 2.05 gm 10 L 0.2 g/L
Grapes Anthracnose 120 200 litres 0.6 g/L
Walnut Downy leaf spot 3 gm 10 L 0.3 g/L
Rose Powdery mildew 1 gm 10 L 0.1 g/ L
Ber Powdery mildew 10 gm 10 L 1 g/L

Additional Information

  • Bavistin Fungicide is compatible with commonly used insecticides and fungicides.
  • Bavistin is the most trusted brand in the agrochemical industry.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Always follow to the recommended application guidelines outlined on the product label and accompanying


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