Nominee Gold Herbicide

Original price was: ₹93.00.Current price is: ₹59.00.

About Product

  • Nominee Gold Herbicide is a post-emergent broad-spectrum herbicide for the control of grasses, sedges, and broadleaf weeds especially in rice crops.
  • Nominee Gold technical name – Bispyribac sodium 10% SC
  • It comprises organic sodium salt of bispyribac belonging to Group- 2 herbicide.
  • Nominee Gold effectively controls weeds in all types of rice cultivation viz., rice nursery, direct seeded rice cultivation and transplanted rice.
  • It gets quickly absorbed by foliage and roots of weeds.

Nominee Gold Herbicide Technical Details

  • Technical Content: Bispyribac sodium 10% SC
  • Mode of Entry: Systemic
  • Mode of Action: Bispyribac sodium is a systemic herbicide that moves throughout the plant tissue and works by interfering with the production of the enzyme acetolactate synthase (ALS), necessary for plant growth.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Nominee Gold Herbicide is a broad-Spectrum herbicide majorly effective in controlling grasses, sedges and broad-leaved weeds in the rice ecosystem.
  • Quickly absorbed by plants and the results are unaffected even if it rains after 6 hours of application.
  • It has an excellent rice crop selectivity i.e.; it focusses majorly on target weeds without affecting the rice crop yield and quality
  • Nominee Gold Herbicide is post-emergent offering a wide application window from 2-5 leaf stages of weeds.
  • It is cost effective as it works effectively at a very lower dose of application i.e., 80-120ml/acre.

Nominee Gold Herbicide Usage & Crops



Crops Target Weeds Dosage / Ha (ml) Dilution in water (L/Ha)


Echinochloa crusgalli, Echinochloa colonum 200 200 -240


Ischaemum rugosum, Cyperus difformis, Cyperus iria 200 200 -240

(Direct seeded)

Fimbristylis miliacea, Eclipta alba, Ludwigia parviflora, Monochoria vaginalis, Alternanthera philoxeroides, Sphenoclcea zeylenica 200 200 -240


Method of Application

  • Nursery: 10-12 days after sowing
  • Transplanted Rice: Within 10-14 days when most of the weeds have already emerged and are of 3-4 leaf stage depending upon soil and climatic factors.
  • Direct seeded Rice: Within 15-25 days for direct sown rice.
  • Remove water from the rice field.
  • Targeted weeds should directly be exposed to NOMINEE GOLD spray.
  • Mix required dosage of Nominee Gold (80-120 ml per acre) with adequate quantity of water
  • Use flat fan/ flood jet nozzle for spray.
  • Spray mist should cover the foliar parts of weeds at application.
  • Avoid Spray if rain is expected in 6 hrs.
  • Re-flood the field within 48 – 72 hrs. of application.
  • Maintain standing water of 3-4 cm for 5-7 days to suppress weed emergence.

Additional Information

  • Nominee Gold Herbicide is compatible with other plant protection chemicals including carbamates and organophosphate insecticides without any adverse effect on rice crops.
  • Flexible in time of application with a wide application window.
  • A novel herbicide at a low-cost range with lower dosage level.


Disclaimer: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Always follow the recommended application guidelines outlined on the product label and accompanying leaflet.

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